Friday, January 23, 2009


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Friday, January 09, 2009

美國格連杜曼博士的研究,2-3 歲會識字



識字阿東 - 3 歲




或許父母們會懷疑:我的孩子這麼小會閱讀嗎?根據美國費城人類潛能開發中心格連杜曼 ( Glenn Doman )博士的研究發現,經由閃示的快速閱讀方式,幼兒的閱讀學習成效驚人。格連杜曼博士更在“How To Teach your baby To Read”一書中指出,五歲以下的孩童學習閱讀易如反掌,因為幼兒具有許多學習上的優勢:

1. 五歲以下的孩童可以吸收大量的資訊,年齡越小,越容易也越有效。


3. 五歲以前所吸收的資訊越多,記憶也越多。


5. 他們學習力強

6. 五歲以下的幼兒,對閱讀有強烈的學習慾望。

7. 他們有能力學習更多種語言,並學習得很完整。

阅读是大脑最重要的功能之一 ,地球上的生物只有人类能够阅读 。

阅读也攸关人们的生活 ,因为所有的学习都取决予阅读的能力 。

经过多年的研究发现 ,年龄愈小的孩子 ,学习阅读愈轻松 ,成效也愈好 。

满周岁的宝宝就能阅读文字 ,两岁时看得懂句子 ,三岁时就会看书 ,而且他们乐在其中 。



Why Flash Cards?

Easier: It is easier to teach a two-year-old to read at home than it is to teach a six-year-old at school.A joyous moment for mothers and babies.: Since babies would rather learn than do anything else in the world, and would rather be with their parents than with anyone else in the world, there are few activities as joyous as learning-to-read sessions.
Reading is the very basis of all : If mother teaches her baby to read at one, two, or three years of age he will not fail to learn to read in school at six, seven, or eight years of age.Wondrous thing : It is a wondrous thing for a baby, or child, or an adult to be able to read.Babies are linguistic geniuses: Babies take in raw facts such as written and spoken words at a rate that no adult could come close to matching.

Why is it crucial to 'flash word' during early from 3 months ?

In the first 6 years of life, a children has a mind that absorbs great amounts of information without any effort.
This is also the child's greatest learning capability period.Thus, flashing words using flash cards can help stimulate the development of both hemispheres of the child's brain.
The left brain is sharpened through languages while the right brain is strengthen through pictures. Flash cards (especially Chinese characters) can help to achieve whole brain development by stimulating both the child's visual and auditory simultaneously. A well balanced development of the whole brain enhances the child's absorbent mind, learning skills, memory power, analytical and reasoning abilities.
The children who have strong reading skills since young will have a relaxing and enjoyable 'life long learning process' throughout his life time.

What to do in each flash cards session?

Pick up any number of flash crds.
Present the flash cards rapidly to your child at arm’s length.
Can flash from the front to the back, but the more preferred method is to flash from the back to the front.
While flashing the flash cards, read the words rapidly and loudly in a clear, high-pitched and enthusiastic voice.
Be excited and joyous all the time.
At the end of flashing, jumble up the flash cards. You may repeat the session for any number of times. You may wish to wait for about 5 minutes although there is no harm doing it immediately.
It is suggested to flash the flash cards for 3 sessions in one day. If your child does not want it, do not do it. Do not bribe him into seeing it. Find another opportunity. All babies want to learn through play.
Always stop before your child wants to stop. This will keep your child’s eagerness, enthusiasm and expectation for the next session of flashing.
On the second day, retire 1 or any number of flash cards and replace it (or them) with the same number of any number of cards. Remember to be flexible and creative. Always let your child guide you to the level of his thirst of learning at that moment. Chances are, your child will request to see the flashcards.
Do the same on the third day and onwards. The key to successful early learning is to be joyous about the whole process. Remember to smile, smile, smile!
At the end of every session, kiss and hug your child and exclaim how wonderful he is. Give him ‘high-fives’! Tap on his shoulders, anchor him with all the positive messages. Programme into his subconscious mind that he is a super learner. And you love to teach him.Important tips on successful flash card learning session

The conditions required for flashing cards are:

a) you are light-hearted, happy and joyous.
b) Your child is well-rested, happy and joyous
c) A quiet environment, free of distractions. Clear the room if required.
d) Switch off the TV, take the phone off the hook, and minimize the unnecessary sounds eg. Transferring pagers and handphones to silent mode.
Stop at the time when your child is still keen and interested in the session. It is important not to overdo the sessions. Learning must not be carried out for too long a period of time in view of your child’s short attention span. Enter into the child’s world rather than pulling him into the adult world. Never, never, never bore your child. Remember, he learns at least 50 times faster than you do!

Do not be afraid to teach long words. Long words pose no problems to your child and are in fact interesting and easily recognizable.

At the intial introductory flash card session, avoid putting two words that look similar together, eg. ‘head’ and ‘hand’ to minimize possible confusion ( in the ‘look-say’ flashcard method, avoid arranging words phonetically like ‘cat’, ‘bat’, ‘fat’, ‘hat’, ‘mat’, ‘pat’, ‘rat’, ‘sat’. It becomes boring after a time. Try putting ‘oat’ in the series and you will straight away find that it does not fit in. ‘Put’ and ‘but’ do not go together. English has too many foreign words to follow the phonetic way, eg. Choir, lingerie. Operating the phonetic way activates only the left brain.
Arrange for your child to win. When your child wins, you win. Act positively by hugging, kissing, praising and motivating your child often. Keep saying ‘very good’ and ‘wow’. He loves to hear you say ‘wow’, ‘marvelous’, ‘fantastic’.

Do not underestimate your child’s learning ability. Teach with no stress. If you feel stressed, you are not doing it correctly, or may be the wrong time or place.Be flexible amd creative, always present new arrangements: eg. By telling stories to your child as both of you progress. Let him make up his stories.

When you introduce new words, flash them fast.

You may want to present a ‘problem solving’ method by holding up 2 flash cards for your child to choose the correct one. If your child takes more than 3 seconds, move or wave the card to give it away to him. If your child right, celebrate! If wrong card is chosen, present the right card. Remember, this is not a test but an opportunity to learn. He is still a baby. Love him unconditionally. Do not spend time testing him. Teach him. You can explain the meanings of the words to your child. Keep it simple.

Games that you can play with:

a) Place the cards on the floor for your child to find eg. ‘mother’, ‘uncle’ …. Pass small items like coins, toy cars, to your child and say , “ give this to ‘mother’, drive your toy car to ‘uncle’.
b) Hand over pictures for the child to match his cards. Eg. ‘dog’, ‘swim’, ‘apple’
.c) Teach the ‘memory train’ method by creating stories with flash cards, eg. “One day, a ‘yellow’ bird flew up a ‘tree’. It was singing because it likes to ‘sing’ and it was dancing because it likes to ‘dance’. A ‘horse’ was eating ‘grass’ below the ‘tree’. On seeing the ‘bird’, it started to ‘laugh’. And invite your child to laugh crazy like a ‘horse’.

古老師-古老師 -如何教寶寶閱讀
古老師 -如何教寶寶閱讀 ,

1 一天可以教幾張字卡/

2 不要測試/

3 多種游戲識字的方法///


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